Buy FireCMD |
Hurry Up! FireCMD is on Sale now. Buy FireCMD just for $69 instead of $99 (30% discount). Limited period offer.
Note: If you are from India then you will not be able to purchase FireCMD through Paypal. For other payment options, please contact us.
Your License Key will be delivered instantly after purchase. If you are facing any problems in online payment or if you are having any queries then please contact us. We also provide alternative payment options such as wire transfers and cheques.
For your security and convenience we've selected Paypal to process orders for FireCMD. The payment gateway accepts payment through Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover credit/debit cards or Paypal a/c. Paypal is one of the most highly respected payment gateway and a secure way to pay online. We do NOT have access to your credit card details.
Please provide a working email at the payment gateway. Your username and serial key will be sent at the email id that you specify at the payment gateway.
Product is delivered using digital distribution. You can download FireCMD for free from download page. For other delivery, payment and volume pricing options please contact us.
Multi-system license (Enterprise copy) may be used at any number of physical sites, and on networked or stand-alone systems (within a single organization). We have special discounted rates for volume purchasing. We provide 30% discount to educational institutes and non-profit organizations.
Users | Price |
1 | $69 |
10 | $600 |
50 | $2500 |
Note: To increase your license for more than 50 users, you just have to pay $29 (USD) per user. For more information contact our support team.
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