External Commands

External commands are actually executable files. You can use any UNIX or cmd.exe command. Moreover, FireCMD also provides some external commands. The external commands provided by FireCMD are actually some dialog boxes or GUI components which provides the GCLI (Graphical Command Line Interface) and can be extremely useful when combined with command substitution and redirection. These commands are as follows:

  1. openfile - Open File Dialog Box
  2. savefile - Save File Dialog Box
  3. getdir - Browse For Folder Dialog Box
  4. gettext - Get Text Dialog Box
  5. getint - Get Integer Dialog Box
  6. getdecimal - Get Decimal Number Dialog Box
  7. getpassword - Get Password Dialog Box
  8. kill - Terminating a Process
  9. pathc - Path Completer

FireCMD command interpreter searches the directory paths in the path environment variable looking for a executable file that matches the command name. FireCMD identifies the files with extension ".exe", ".bat" and ".cmd" as executable files. If there are more than one executable files having the same name in a directory then the executable file having the highest extension precedence will be executed. The extension precedence table is shown below.

Precedence No. Extension
1 .exe
2 .bat
3 .cmd

For example, if there are two files named "abc.exe" and "abc.bat" in the same directory then the program "abc.exe" will get executed as ".exe" has higher precedence than ".bat" extension.

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