FireCMD - Documentation


  1. Starting FireCMD
  2. Keyboard Shortcuts
  3. User Interface

General Tasks

  1. Copy, Paste and Selection Mode
  2. Searching and Replacing Text
  3. Opening and Creating a file in FireTXT
  4. Running a Console Program
  5. Adding and Managing Programs
  6. Miscellaneous

FireCMD Command Shell

  1. Command Interpreter Basics and Hello World Tutorial
  2. Internal Commands
    1. echohtml - Displaying Text and Hypertext
    2. help - Help for a Command
    3. cd - Changing Working Directory
    4. pwd - Checking the Current Working Directory
    5. lst - Listing Files and Directories
    6. cls / clear - Clearing the Screen
    7. edit / firetxt - Creating and Editing Files
    8. color - Changing Foreground/Background Color
    9. path - Managing the Environment Variable Path
    10. prompt - Changing the Prompt Style
    11. title - Changing the Tab's Title
    12. open - Opening a File, Folder or URL
    13. reset - Reverting the Settings back to Default
    14. exit - Exiting the Shell
  3. Aliases
  4. Command Auto-completion
  5. External Commands
    1. openfile - Open File Dialog Box
    2. savefile - Save File Dialog Box
    3. getdir - Browse For Folder Dialog Box
    4. gettext - Get Text Dialog Box
    5. getint - Get Integer Dialog Box
    6. getdecimal - Get Decimal Number Dialog Box
    7. getpassword - Get Password Dialog Box
    8. kill - Terminating a Process
    9. pathc - Path Completer
    10. 195 UNIX Commands
  6. Command Substitution
  7. Redirection
  8. Command Prompt (cmd.exe) Support

Customizing Settings

  1. Fonts and Background
  2. Program Options
  3. Miscellaneous Options